Harnessing Your Mind to Feed Your Strengths and Starve Your Weaknesses – with Mary Shores

Mary Shores

The power of your words – it’s probably something you haven’t given much thought to on a regular basis. We all can agree that our words have the power to build someone up, tear them down, trigger unimaginable pain and suffering, or bring immense joy, happiness, and self-worth. Why don’t we put more emphasis on…

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Finding Joy, Saying “No” Without Guilt and Putting Your Needs First – with Amy E. Smith

Amy E. Smith

What if someone could tell you the secret to saying “no” without being a jerk and the secret to pursuing real joy and happiness in your life? These two things alone could make your life easier and richer – but, wait, there’s more! My guest today, Amy E. Smith has unique insight and witty wisdom…

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Making Your Business a Profitable Investment, Not a Philanthropic Endeavor – with Nathalie Molina Niño

Nathalie Molina Nino

Sometimes, in the most difficult spots we end up gaining the most. That’s exactly what happened with today’s guest, Nathalie Molina Niño. As her career coincided with the growth of internet technology, she learned everything she could to become the successful entrepreneur that she is today. Nathalie Molina Niño is a serial tech entrepreneur, founder…

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Take Your Achievements to the Next Level by Unlimiting Your Beliefs – with Karen E. Brown

Karen E. Brown

What are your limiting beliefs? What if there were practical steps you could take to rewire your brain and create new pathways for confidence and success? This show holds the answers to making effective changes and taking your achievement to the next level. My guest, Karen E. Brown is on a mission to eradicate limiting…

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Celebrate Failures, Pinpoint Your Purpose and Never Settle for “No” – with Tiffany Pham

What if you could reframe every failure as a stepping stone to impending success and growth? What if you could view every no as yes that just hasn’t happened yet? In today’s show, I’m introducing you to the ultimate growth mindset in human form – Tiffany Pham. Her inspiring story of a relentless work ethic…

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Cultivate Executive Presence to Enhance Your Leadership Influence – with Suzanne Bates

Courage, risk-taking, integrity, authenticity – all of these play into effective leadership and executive presence. We are talking about these topics and more today as we find nuggets of wisdom and practical knowledge in today’s conversation with my amazing guest. Suzanne Bates is the CEO of Bates, and is an internationally recognized thought leader in…

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The Mental Side of PCOS – It’s Not Just a Bad Mood – with Dr. Gretchen Kubacky


What are the psychological effects of being diagnosed with a medical condition? What if the condition is incurable and has likely caused weight gain, the growth of facial and body hair, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and infertility? You would want help from a mental health professional if you received this diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome),…

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Switching Careers to Land Your Dream Job – with Dr. Dawn Graham

Dr. Dawn Graham

Are you a switcher? If you’ve moved from one career to another, then you are a switcher, which is becoming a more common theme in today’s workplace culture. Some people are afraid to make a career move because they fear being labeled a “job hopper,” or some other negative connotation. Today’s guest, Dr. Dawn Graham,…

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Intuition, Soul Contracts and Akashic Records to Unlock Your Soul Purpose – with Jennifer Longmore

Jennifer Longmore

What does it mean to truly find your soul purpose? You’ll hear today how it’s so much more than following a dream or pursuing a passion. We are discussing intuition, soul contracts, and Akashic records. You’re guaranteed to be intrigued by this discussion! Jennifer Longmore is an internationally-acclaimed soul purpose expert, three-time bestselling author, and…

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From Crossfit to Zen Master: It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself – with Mary Jaksch

Would you like to defy the aging process? Would you prefer your mature years to be a time for you to bloom into your full glory? Mary Jaksch joins the show today to discuss how you can reset your life’s clock. Mary Jaksch is a Zen Master, psychotherapist, author, blogger, expert on personal fitness and…

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