Dealing With Doubt and Making the Impossible Possible with 3D Goal Imaging – with Priyanka Gupta

Every individual has goals, dreams, desires, and plans. Implementing those ideas can often be a source of stress, frustration, and doubt. My guest on this episode of NextFem is Priyanka Gupta, a woman with an incredible story and an untiring sense of determination to see her dreams materialized through dealing with her doubt. Since she moved from India to the United States in 2008 to work in New York City, Priyanka has realized a few key aspects of turning one’s dreams into reality and she thoughtfully shares them with us in this episode. We discuss her massive leap of faith in leaving a steady career in India for the unknown in America, her devout dedication and faith even through roadblocks, and she walks us through her “3D Goal Imaging Process.”

Priyanka’s dream was unwavering but she had to learn to deal with doubt

Priyanka left her home in India with a four year degree in engineering and very little experience in her new field of Human Resources. However her ultimate goal was to live in Manhattan and work in an office facing Times Square. What seemed like a pipe dream to many of her colleagues and friends was the core driving force behind all of Priyanka’s decisions from 2008 moving forward. All of this took place after the Great Recession when Priyanka chose to move into a field that was non-revenue generating, but what encouraged her was a passionate curiosity about people and how to help them succeed. Her key steps during the early years were to set a goal, methodically visualize the success of that goal, outline a process for achievement, generate feelings of end-goal success, and finally enjoy the achievement of the goal. She explains that “negative thought patterns and internal doubts will vanish when a dream is dear to you.” Learn how you can deal with doubt by listening to how she does it.

Through the limitations and roadblocks she faced, Priyanka never stopped moving forward

Not only did Priyanka experience the all-too-common challenge of securing work in a post-recession economy, she also faced difficulties regarding differences in culture, language, workplace expectations, and the legitimacy of her qualifications. Her education and experiences earned while in India weren’t directly equivalent to those expected in an American hiring process and she had to differentiate between commonplace Indian practices and the new systems and protocols in the States. She explains that even the idea of networking differs between the two countries and she attributes her understanding of American networking to a “miraculous invitation” to a conference of HR professionals. At the conferences she learned the art of communicating without regard for near or long-term benefit for either party. Genuineness and authenticity are invaluable when it comes to securing new connections, building rapport with fellow professionals, and engaging in the broader industry community. You’ll learn these lessons and more on this episode.

Priyanka encourages aspiring professionals to disregard subpar position offers

There were two instances when Priyanka was hitting roablocks that threatened to derail her career plans. Significant financial investments that didn’t pay off, multiple “no” decisions, and the creation of a fallback plan almost allowed her to settle for a less-than-ideal position. What got her back on track was realizing that “sometimes you have to rely on your gut and what feels right within your core values and principles.” In this conversation Priyanka and I also discuss the importance of encouraging others who are in similar situations and to accept the fact that there will be days where you’ll feel completely dejected. In situations like that you have to keep coming back to your goal. If you take the time to listen to this great conversation, you’ll receive more encouraging insights like these.

Priyanka’s three key components for goal imaging:

One of the most important aspects to visualizing success is to “show up with a good attitude and trust that there’s enough.” Priyanka explains the 3D model through a practical example of applying to graduate level academia, and reinforces the idea that community is not about sheer numbers, but rather the quality of the connections made.

  1. Yourself – one’s own skills potential, and core values
  2. Community – a “carefully curated” group of individuals that will offer support, guidance, advice, and mentorship
  3. Limitlessness – the right people, funds, and resources exist and are out there, as long as one puts in the effort to seek them out

Episode Highlights

  • 2:00 – How Priyanka transitioned from India to the United States
  • 3:45 – Using dreams to compel you toward significant changes
  • 4:44 – How Priyanka addressed the limitations she faced
  • 5:20 – The tools Priyanka needed to overcome her limitations and struggles
  • 6:54 – How Priyanka continued in spite of disappointments
  • 12:46 – Priyanka discusses the cultural differences she faced shortly after her move
  • 19:14 – The importance of genuineness and authenticity in the workplace
  • 21:06 – The relationship between visualizing your goal and negative thought patterns
  • 24:55 – How to keep from settling for less than you can achieve
  • 27:00 – How to reassure aspiring professionals that everything will work out with time, effort, and faith
  • 30:40 – Priyanka’s 3D model for approaching career goals

Resources Mentioned

1. Favorite book for women?

2. Favorite self-care hack?

  • “Meditation. It’s a great way to stay focused on the moment at hand while also envisioning the future.’

3. Best piece of advice and who gave it to you?

  • “Bet on potential. I heard that in my current organization. Bet on people’s potential and they’ll surprise you. Take a chance.”

4. Female CEO or thought leader you’re into right now?

  • Liz Ryan. Priyanka said her sincerity within work dialogues and her practical and compassionate manner is encouraging.

5. One piece of advice you’d give your 5 years younger self?

  • “Remember the power of you. We forget that our own brain can come in the way of achieving what you want. Remember how powerful you are – you are capable of great things.”

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