Not all men are created equal. And very few men are worth your time. Find out now -- and don't waste another second on a man who doesn't deserve you.

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Thanks to legendary marriage researcher John Gottman, relationship success is no longer a black box.

We know with great precision what leads to long-lasting healthy relationships. 

In fact based on his observations Gottman can predict with ~95% certainty whether a newlywed couple will remain married in 10 years.

I'm Tara Padua and I help female executives and career-oriented women attract the right man.

This quiz integrates relationship research from around the world with my 13 years of experience coaching women on their love lives.

This quiz will help you honestly evaluate your relationship and the man you're dating.

It allows you to make healthy choices sooner, with less wasted time and emotion.

This quiz is 40 questions long and will take you about 5 minutes to complete.

Clarify things like:

•  Is he ready for lifelong commitment or are you waiting on a false hope?
•  Will he help you grow or hold you back?
•  Will your relationship improve or deteriorate over time?

It's not an exact science but I guarantee you'll get new clarity about your relationship.

Click "Take the Quiz Now" to get started!

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