Fighting Poverty with Dignity and Sustainability – with Velma Kirksey-Tarver

You might be like countless other women asking, “What is my life’s purpose? What can I do with my time that is important and making a difference in the world?” Though it might seem like a journey without a clear answer, there is so much work to be done in this world that is already making a positive change. Your actions matter and that is the mission behind everything Velma Kirksey-Tarver is doing. Velma is the Founder and Director of the Institute for Global Outreach or IGO. The IGO was founded with the mission to empower impoverished children in Africa with dignity and sustainability. Through Velma’s humanitarian perspective and endless drive, IGO has gone from sponsoring 40 individuals to over 400. Velma is undeniably the NextFem due to her hands-on attitude and inspiring message of hope to the oppressed and under-served.

Giving a Voice to Children

Velma’s journey to discovering her life purpose was certainly an unexpected one. Her initial plans of attending Law School were changed once her daughter was diagnosed with a speech processing disorder. Velma knew that in order for her daughter to have the best shot at life, she would need more support from her mother than Velma could give. She made the sacrifice of school to be her daughter’s advocate, and that set the tone for the humanitarian work she would later do with children overseas. Velma’s path to IGO was shaped by her own childhood as well. She lost her father at age 11, and at that same time, she lost her sense of safety. Now, Velma knows she was privileged to be able to grieve the loss of her father, and there are many orphans overseas who are too worried about food and health to grieve. Between these experiences, Velma’s compassion for children, especially those whose voice had been taken from them.

Face-to-Face with Purpose

Velma does not remember the exact moment she knew her life’s purpose was to alleviate the suffering of childhood poverty, but she remembers the images. Velma remarks in today’s episode that “I don’t like to see what I can’t change.” Finding herself unable to look away, Velma knew she had to act. She had no experience working for a nonprofit, but she had something many do not: a purpose-driven desire to change something. Velma will be the first person to tell you that her purpose is fueled by her connection to a higher power. That deep, spiritual connection is what inspired her to reach out for purpose in the first place! The daily prayer and meditation on purpose revealed itself at last, and Velma knew it was time to start a movement. IGO was born out of that spiritual fulfillment of purpose.

Nuts and bolts of nonprofits

Velma and the workers at IGO are creating sustainable change for children in dire need in several African countries. Today, Velma is going to teach us exactly what it means to be in dire need. Whether that is battling hunger, walking miles simply to reach school and a hot meal, or suffering the stigma of being born with HIV, these children live in hard, insurmountable conditions. Velma and her team are working to change those circumstances through humanitarian aid. Velma does most of her fundraising as a speaker, using pictures of her own trips overseas as proof that donor funds are being given directly to the children, and not a large, faceless organization. Deep down, these impoverished children just want the same love and respect as our own. Velma’s loving, generous spirit fills them with hope, as it does anyone struggling to find their place in the world.

Our souls are here to serve

Velma is one of the most willing and generous women you will ever meet. Her desire to advocate on behalf of children marks her as a uniquely selfless individual. However, Velma teaches us all that anyone can be truly extraordinary. She encourages everyone to serve somewhere, whether in your neighborhood or overseas. Our souls are here to serve! You can help somebody. You can use that priceless currency of generosity. The feeling we get when we serve others is their gratitude tenfold. Velma will be the first to acknowledge that! When poverty feels like it is too big a demon to battle, or when potential donors say “No,” Velma simply sees those moments as opportunities for even more people to get involved in her mission. Velma has clearly found her purpose in this world, but it started with a simple action and an honest question: “Why am I here?” Perhaps it is time for you to start asking too?

Episode Highlights:

  • 1:00 – The best moment in Velma’s life was finding out why she was here—to battle poverty in Africa.
  • 5:00 – Velma learned lessons about purpose and self-sacrifice from her children.
  • 15:00 – After seeing childhood poverty, Velma could not turn her eyes away from the problem. She had to do something.
  • 21:00 – The moment Velma knew she was ready for her purpose in a nonprofit.
  • 26:00 – Defining dire need and the means by which IGO alleviates suffering.
  • 32:00 – Hear how Velma saved her own life!
  • 40:00 – Stories from the front lines serving children in Africa.
  • 45:00 – Velma’s biggest motivator was the people who tell her “No.”


The Fem Five:

1. Favorite book for women?

2. Favorite self-care hack?

  • I love to read and I love to travel.

3. Best piece of advice and who gave it to you?

  • A colleague once asked me “How many people would you have to help to be OK?” There’s so much poverty that one can get overwhelmed by it, but I know if I help one, I will be OK.

4. Female CEO or thought leader you’re into right now?

5. One piece of advice you’d give your 5 years younger self?

  • Don’t worry so much. It is all going to work out!

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Confront Your Limiting Beliefs About Money and Expand Your Wealth Consciousness with Natali Moore


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