Don’t Let Negative Energy Block Your Path to Purpose – with Carolin Hauser-Carson

Is negative energy in control of your life? You might be surprised to know that negative energy can take a toll on your mind and your body. We are discussing energy and so much more in today’s “can’t miss” episode.

Carolin Hauser-Carson is an award-winning author, pleasure whisperer, and soul liberator. Traumatic events in childhood can leave a lasting impression that prevents people from leading fulfilling lives. Carolin is an expert in trauma recovery and emotional healing. As a by-product of healing, people rediscover their bodies, and by extension, the whole world as the source of pleasure and comfort.  Carolin’s training is as a German naturopath, humanistic psychotherapist, and family constellations facilitator. She’s the author of the award-winning Blossom: 7 Steps to Sexual Healing. She is also an internationally recognized speaker for almost a decade on the subjects of spirituality, emotional healing, and women’s empowerment. In this episode, Carolin shares how she was able to heal her own trauma from childhood to discover her life’s purpose. She shares practical advice for letting go of limiting beliefs so you can become free and step into your true power, and how to release core wounds that may be holding you back from experiencing joy and pleasure.

Finding the way to healing

When Carolin Hauser-Carson was just 10 years old, she experienced the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia. Even though sexual abuse had occurred years earlier, Carolin didn’t remember that trauma until age 30. Her mother never gave up on her and kept trying every kind of healing for the eating disorders, including introducing Carolin to a modality called Family Constellations. She went to a weekend workshop while in her 20’s and was completely healed of the disorders within 6 months. A friend told her to make this her life’s mission since it had brought the healing she was after, so Carolin studied for years to obtain degrees and gain the knowledge and certifications she needed to practice the modality in Germany. A short time later, Carolin moved to the US and had a daughter. It was when her daughter reached age 3 that the memories of her sexual abuse were triggered because that was the age that her abuse began.

Trauma and negative energy

We most often think of trauma as a psychological issue, but Carolin sees it through the world of energetics. We can even inherit negative experiences through trauma from several generations back in our family! Carolin explains that trauma is like lightning striking a house with too much energy that short-circuits the power supply. The power surge causes your “machine” to not work properly to create success in your life. Your brain is altered by the impact, so it’s logical that you’re unable to function properly. A pivotal moment for Carolin Hauser-Carson came a few years ago when she experienced fatigue and complete adrenal burnout after having her 2nd baby. She realized how she had allowed things to impact her energy and decided to make “radically right” decisions by trusting her body in the present moment. 

What’s your Pleasure IQ

Through Carolin’s work, she has learned about “pleasure intelligence.” Pleasure IQ is a person’s ability to allow pleasure in all areas of life. We have such a small and limited view of what pleasure is, but it’s so much more than an orgasm or eating a piece of chocolate. We are here in this life to experience as much pleasure as possible, and we need to free ourselves from what doesn’t bring pleasure and get rid of the blocks that prevent it. Carolin identifies three ways in which we are blocked and explains how these affect us: unconscious shame and guilt, imbalanced feminine and masculine, and not being connected to sexual energy. Her advice is to “tune into the pleasure and take action to pursue it.”

Sexual energy 

There is a connection between sexual energy and life force. It may surprise you to hear Carolin say that your sexual energy has nothing to do with having sex. It has to do with you and your own energetic relationship to yourself. It is the true power source that brings more independence and less fear and makes you a force to be reckoned with. It’s the source of pleasure that we’ve been taught down through the ages that we should feel guilty for. People in power have used this guilt and shame to manipulate the masses.

The masculine and feminine

It’s confusing for men as to how this concept shows up for them. We all assume that men just want sex, but in reality, they are insecure and don’t know how to be in their own power. Men have to shift the paradigm to get into their masculine power and be loving and come from the heart. Both genders are looking for the same deep connection. When a woman lives her purpose, then she doesn’t have time to obsess about her body or experience body shaming. Those feelings come from being lost and not being who you really are. Carolin Hauser-Carson explains how we can be healthy and take care of ourselves and love who we are.

Carolin’s advice

Wherever it comes from, the shame and guilt must be released. There are tools to transform negative energy into positive energy. Shame and guilt show up when we blame ourselves or circumstances and when we complain. When you notice these feelings, go to your body and notice the feelings and transform the negative imprint into positive energy. Healing can bring success and take us to a higher level. Carolin Hauser-Carson shares an analogy to help us understand how negative energy keeps us at a lower level and keeps us from experiencing amazing success and prosperity, and she uses her own life as a prime example.

Highlights of the Episode:

  • 2:06 – Carolin’s background and focus on healing
  • 5:58 – Looking at trauma healing through energetics
  • 8:30 – Pivotal moments in healing
  • 11:12 – Making radically right decisions by tuning into your body
  • 12:47 – Pleasure IQ
  • 16:46 – How to unblock your energy
  • 22:11 – The connection between sexual energy and life force
  • 26:03 – Managing the masculine and the feminine
  • 33:24 – Advice for releasing the shame and guilt
  • 35:00 – How healing brings success to your life
  • 38:08 – Spiritual laws and what they mean
  • 40:13 –  The Fem Five

Resources Mentioned:

The Fem Five:

1. Favorite book for women?

  • Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins

2. Favorite self-care hack?

  • “To make self-care a priority”

3. Best piece of advice and who gave it to you?

  • “Learn to eat healthy, not for nutrition, but to remove obstructions.”  from Alexandra Cousins of Living Mucus Free

4. Female CEO or thought leader you’re into right now?

5. One piece of advice you’d give your 5 years younger self?

“That it’s all going to work out.”

Last Time on The NextFem Podcast

Scaling Compassionate Leadership from Nike to Lyft and Beyond – with Lisel Welden 

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